Reading Time: < 1 minuteI'm just catching up with my RSS feeds after few days being off-line (failed power supply may be very troublesome) and I found interesting link at Kim's Cameron blog. Kim is presenting Microsoft Whitepaper titled The Identity Metasystem: Towards a Privacy-Compliant Solution to the Challenges of Digital Identity which is about Identity Metasystem, InfoCards and … Continue reading "Identity Metasystem whitepaper"
Month: October 2006
Fall in Poland
Reading Time: 2 minutes It looks like today is a day (night) for non technical content so let's continue this way. We have here in Poland a time which is called "golden Polish fall". This is the time during the fall when it is still warm and sunny, rains are still few blocks away … and it looks … Continue reading "Fall in Poland"
Identity theft
Reading Time: < 1 minuteFor those who were expecting something more serious I own an apologies … but this is funny and it is really what identity theft is all about. Great comic strip from Off the mark.
ADMod, ADFind – user rename
Reading Time: < 1 minuteAnother quick and dirty example how one can user ADMod and ADFind to do something in AD quickly and without scripting. This time question is – how to rename users account, with rename I understand changing their RDN in directory? I will use ADFind to find users and prepare input for ADMod like I did … Continue reading "ADMod, ADFind – user rename"
Dual booting Vista and Linux on BitLocker and TPM protected drive
Reading Time: < 1 minuteIf You are interested in an answer to question "How to dual boot Linux and Vista on BitLocker protected drive?" You will find it on Cyril Voisin blog. Cyril is Security Advisor working in Microsoft France, and in his latest post he described how to configure dual booting for Vista and Linux on BitLocker drive with … Continue reading "Dual booting Vista and Linux on BitLocker and TPM protected drive"
Vista will open more access for security providers …
Reading Time: < 1 minuteI just found at joe's site link to Washington Post's article which is informing about decission which was made at Microsoft to open access to system "guts" for security software providers. If it is true, and I don't have any reasons not to belive WP it will mean that security software providers like Symantec and … Continue reading "Vista will open more access for security providers …"
Battlestar Galactica season 3
Reading Time: < 1 minute Life is not only about computers – sometimes it is about TV and computers π (this is some kind of joke if someone knows me personaly as I don't have TV at home – strange :), isn't it). If You are not Sci-Fi fan – You can stop reading at this moment – unless … Continue reading "Battlestar Galactica season 3"
Windows Defender and Your Run key – what do You need to know?
Reading Time: 3 minutes Recently one of my friends who is running small (but very good – <ad word>If You need serious security guys, just call them</ad word>) security company sent me a link to some document. This document described simple experiment with security features made on Windows Vista (Beta2). What its author did was creating simple program … Continue reading "Windows Defender and Your Run key – what do You need to know?"
MIIS newbie tales – Export password attribute with Extensible MA
Reading Time: 2 minutesToday I had a little chat on e-mail with Alex Tcherniakhovski which was about following topic: how to create export only attribute with Extensible MA to set initial password for newly provisioned account? (OK, this wasn't exactly such topic but this is what it was about π ). So problem is: we are provisioning new account to … Continue reading "MIIS newbie tales – Export password attribute with Extensible MA"
Playing with new ADFind and ADMod
Reading Time: < 1 minuteToday on simple question was asked: Is possible clean all logon scripts from a OU at the same time. This OU contains others sub-OUs. Sure it is :), thanks to joe we have updated versions of ADFind and ADMod in our toolbox. First we need a filter which is simple: (&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(scriptPath=*)) which should give … Continue reading "Playing with new ADFind and ADMod"